For investors in the Asia Travel theme, what is heartening to note is that all the growth we are seeing represents just the tip of the iceberg, as only ~10% of Indian and Chinese citizens today own a passport. A combination of aging demography and a rising middle...
Asymmetry in Fixed Income Today – Tribeca Asia Credit Strategy
John Stover, Portfolio Manager of Tribeca Asia Credit Strategy, has just written to investors about the impact of rising bond yields, highlighting the asymmetry in 1-year returns for fixed income investments. He notes that the recent increase in yields can lead to...
Tribeca Investment Partners expands listed infrastructure fund, anchored by Asian sovereign wealth fund
Tribeca Investment Partners yesterday announced the expansion of the Tribeca Asian Infrastructure Fund (TAIF) with a commitment from an Asian sovereign wealth fund. TAIF invests in energy transition, transport, digital and healthcare infrastructure across Asia...
Tribeca Asia Infrastructure Fund: APAC’s infrastructure opportunity is not just a private affair
“Listed infrastructure in Asia-Pacific is hard to overlook as a defensive way to ride on key structural themes, such as energy transition, aspiring middle class, mobility, digitalisation and ageing.” Infrastructure assets are recognised for their ability to generate...